Home Wild Animals Red-tailed Racer

Red-tailed Racer


Gonyosoma oxycephalum, known commonly as the arboreal ratsnake, the red-tailed green rat snake, and the red-tailed racer, is a species of snake in the family Colubridae. The species is endemic to Southeast Asia. It was first described by Friedrich Boie in 1827. Wikipedia

Red-tailed Racer (Gonyosoma oxycephalum), a species of snake in Singapore distinguishable by its bright green body, reddish-brown tail and electric blue tongue.

Fun fact: Do you know that the Red-tailed Racer is a highly arboreal species that spends most of its life living and hunting in trees and seldom descends to the ground? It primarily feeds on birds, bird eggs and bats and is a renowned nest raider.

Disclaimer: While Red-tailed Racers are non-venomous, they can be temperamental and may strike out if you get too close. Please keep your distance and leave them alone should you encounter one.

Text and photo by Daryl Tan
Photos are copyrighted to Daryl Tan

For more local wildlife photographs and fun facts, do check out his Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/clickingthecritters/


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