Home Wild Animals Oriental whip snake

Oriental whip snake

Singapore Geographic, Singapore Nature, Singapore Nature Photography

Ahaetulla prasina is a species of snake in the family Colubridae native to southern Asia. Its common names include Asian vine snake, Boie’s whip snake, Gunther’s whip snake, Oriental whip snake. Wikipedia

It is venomous, but the venom is weak and generally not problematic for humans.

This elegant snake is arboreal and lives in bushes and trees. It is common in many of our wild places, including urban gardens and coastal areas. But is it well camouflaged and often overlooked as a green vine.
About 2m long. Considered the largest and longest of the whip snakes, it is nevertheless still quite a slender snake. It has a long thin tail that can take up nearly 40% of the length of the snake. WildSingapore

Spotted at , Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, MacRitchie Reservoir and Green Corridor


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