Myrmarachne is a genus of ant-mimicking jumping spiders that was first described by W. S. MacLeay in 1839. They are commonly called antmimicking spiders, but they are not the only spiders that have this attribute. The name is a combination of Ancient Greek μύρμηξ, meaning “ant”, and ἀράχνη, meaning “spider”. Wikipedia
There are two genera of anti-like Jumping Spiders in Singapore. The more common Mymarachne have a long waist (pedicel) and an elongated cephalothorax with a constriction dividing the higher cephalic region and the lower thoraxix part. The jaws of Myrmarachne spider, especially the males, are enormously enlarged and project in front making the spider appear to be a soldier ant.
The cephalothorax of the spiders of the genus Agorius is also divided into distinct “head” and “thoracic” regions but the division is not as obvious as that shown in Myrmarachne. The most diagnostic feature of Agorius spiders is that the first pair of legs are exceedingly long. The third last segments (patella) of the fore-legs are conspicuously more elongated than those of other spiders.
Resource: Ant-mimicking Jumping spider by Joseph Koh
Spotted it at Dairy Farm Nature Park