I was curious when I was taking photo of this thorn bug insect. The appearance was actually amazed me as it has thorn like but the one made me curious is the Ant.
It was second times I spotted this treehopper, and always have Ant nearby. The Ant did not attack the treehopper but like waiting or guarding it.
The first time I encountered this, I thought it may be just coincidence that both of them together in the same spot. However, when the second time I saw these 2 species, I thought maybe there is relationship between them.
Then I started to research about their relationship, and I found out actually yes there’s mutualism relationship between them.
Mutualism is the ecological interaction between two or more species where each species has a benefit.
In mutualism, two organisms cooperate so that they both benefit.

Treehopper or Thorn bug’s appearance is the way they protect themselves. The unusual thorn-like appearance to blend in with their host plant and avoid predators. But they need others to protect them, and they got the protection from Ants.
Ant usually will surround the treehopper eliminating predators. In this case Treehoppers get the protection from Ants.
In exchange Treehopper secrete the a nutritious sugary liquid called honeydew, made from excess plant sap that they consume.
Ants get this honeydew as benefit as he guard the treehoppers.
This also has a secondary benefit for the hoppers, as the excess buildup of honeydew is harmful to them.
Because of this mutualism, both of them have benefit and a greater chance of survival.