Bee – Wasp – Hornet of Singapore
Please click here for Bee & Wasp & Hornet Checklist
Xorides sp
Xorides is a genus of ichneumon wasps in the family Ichneumonidae. There are at least 150 described species in Xorides
Subgenus Gonophonus
Thanks, Jacek Hilszczański for the update on the ID
Asian Honey Bee – Apis cerana
Apis cerana, the eastern honey bee, Asiatic honey bee or Asian honey bee, is a species of honey bee native to southern, southeastern, and...
Banded Paper Wasp
Common name(s): Banded paper wasp/Banded Polistes (in Poisonous Animals of Malaysia by M. Tweedie)
Scientific Name: Polistes sagittarius
This is a species with quite a wide...
Black Dwarf Honey Bee
Apis andreniformis, or the black dwarf honey bee, is a relatively rare species of honey bee whose native habitat is the tropical and subtropical...
Black Mud-dauber Wasp
Scientific name: Sceliphron javanum
Sceliphron, also known as black mud daubers or black mud-dauber wasps, is a genus of Hymenoptera of the Sphecidae family of...
Black Potter Wasp – Allorhynchium argentatum
Allorhynchium argentatum is a species of wasp in the family Vespidae. Wikipedia
Spotted at Yishun Park
Black-notched Cloak and dagger Bee
Thyreus ceylonicus is a species of bee belonging to the family Apidae in subfamily Apinae Wikipedia
Thyreus is an Old World genus of bees, one of many that are commonly known...
Blue Carpenter Bee – Xylocopa caerulea
Blue Carpenter Bee - Xylocopa caerulea is a species of carpenter bee. Wikipedia
Location: Singapore Poly - Dover - March 2023
Xylocopa caerulea is on Singapore Stamps...
Blue Spider wasp
Scientific name: Auplopus comparatus
Auplopus is a large genus of spider wasps belonging to the subfamily Pepsinae of the spider wasp family Pompilidae, distributed throughout...
Broad-handed Carpenter Bee – Xylocopa latipes
Broad-handed Carpenter (Xylocopa latipes)
Black thorax and abdomenMales have broadened front legs
Xylocopa latipes, the tropical carpenter bee, is a species of carpenter bee widely dispersed...
Ceratina collusor – Small carpenter bee
The cosmopolitan bee genus Ceratina, often referred to as small carpenter bees, is the sole lineage of the tribe Ceratinini, and closely related to...
Ceratina Nigrolateralis
Noticed only by the sharp-eyed, Ceratina nigrolateralis is a tiny bee with a glossy black and yellow body, often seen foraging alone on a wide variety...
Ceratina Perforatrix
Ceratina perforatrix is a relatively small bee, the female is 9 to 10.5 mm long, the male 8 to 9 mm. The body is metallic shiny...
Cloak and dagger Bee – Thyreus himalayensis
Thyreus is an Old World genus of bees, one of many that are commonly known as cuckoo bees, and are cleptoparasites of other species...
Combed-Sweat Bee
The sweat bee genus Lasioglossum is the largest of all bee genera, containing over 1700 species in numerous subgenera worldwide. They are highly variable...