Home Wild Animals Changeable lizard – Oriental Garden Lizard

Changeable lizard – Oriental Garden Lizard

Singapore Geographic, Singapore Nature, Singapore Nature Photography

The oriental garden lizard, eastern garden lizard, bloodsucker or changeable lizard is an agamid lizard found widely distributed in indo-Malaya. It has also been introduced in many other parts of the world. Wikipedia

Scientific name: Calotes versicolor

Features:Total length to 37cm. A stout body with small, bumpy (keeled) scales. It has a spiny crest on the back of its neck and along the body. There are two spines above the ear opening. It has blackish streaks radiating from the eyes. Generally brownish to greenish yellow.

What does it eat? It eats insects and even small lizards.

Lizard babies: Adult males are larger with swollen cheeks. During the breeding season, males develop an orange head with a black blotch over the cheeks. They display to females and rivals by doing push ups and head bobs. For this reason, they are sometimes called ‘Blood-sucking lizards’, though of course, they do nothing of the sort.

Source: http://www.wildsingapore.com/wildfacts/vertebrates/reptilia/versicolor.htm


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